Licenses required, zoning laws and other regulations vary from business to business and from state to state. Your local Small Business Administration (SBA) office and/or chamber of commerce will provide you with general information, but you will need to consult your attorney for advice specific to your enterprise and area. You also must decide about your form of organization (corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship) or tax status.


See UNMIK/REG/2001/6  On Business Organizations

You can choose from the following types of Business Organizations: Personal Business Enterprise, General Partnership, Limited Partnership, Corporation. 

Corporations are the most common type of business organization and this regulation outlines the process by which a corporation is created and the responsibilities of the Corporation once it is created.  The corporation standards outlined in this regulation are very similar to those described in the Delaware Business Corporations Act, but the Delaware Act is much more thorough.  More specifically, the Delaware Act includes more detailed provisions for seeking remedies, profits, change of address, details on preincorporation issues, voting, mergers and annual reporting guidelines. 


See also UNMIK/REG/2000/68 on Contracts for the Sale of Goods

UNMIK/REG/2000/8 On the provisional registration of businesses